Best Custom Maps Ever!

Started by TonyP2000, February 14, 2012, 05:48:30 PM

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I decided to change the over 1000 club to something that will...means more.

Use this thread to post your favorite maps!

You can nominate up to THREE maps. I am going to add all these to a list, and at the end of the week (around Saturday or Sunday 18/19) I am going to turn the list into a survey where you get to vote for your personal favorite map.  The winner of that gets...uh...bragging rights? lol

Oh, you can nominate yourself, but you better have a awesome map!

Well, may the most fun map win! Good Luck and have fun!

The list!

A Tragedy Forgotten Part 1 - Ebon Heart and PeterPower (5 submissions)
Liberation Pinball - UpperKEES (4 submissions)
The Super Collider - Ebon_Heart (3 submissions)
ETF3: To Kill a Whirlpool - eightailedfox (2 submissions)
Packet Journey - Florrat (2 submissions)
Fun House - TonyP2000 (2 submissions)
Mona Creeper - Mopa42 (2 submissions)
help the rebels - Pootispoot (2 submissions)
Cubic 3 - J  
The Hotel - FOR
Dagon 9: Devil in the sky with diamonds
Multitask - Sqaz
Vote Tony!

Ebon Heart

1. A Tragedy Forgotten Part 1 - Ebon Heart and PeterPower
2. ETF3: To Kill a WhirlPool - eightailedfox
3. Late For Dinner Better Hurry - SmileyCoder
EDIT: changed my third map... the map is already on the list due to someone else, so no harm done, really.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!


A Tragedy Forgotten Part 1
Liberation Pinball


1. Liberation Pinball - UpperKEES ('cos it's epic!!)
2. The Hotel - FOR ('cos it's my kinda map!)
3. Mona Creeper - Mopa42 ('cos it's pretty!)

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.


I'm not 100% because it doesn't have gameplay:
Florrat's Packet Journey
Never trust a computer that doesn't fit through your nearest window.


I am going to make my three votes...

Fun House - TonyP2000 (sure, its my own map, but it is still fun!)
ETF 3: To Kill A Whirlpool - eighttailedfox
Cubic 3 - J
Vote Tony!


cubic 3 - J
Fun house -TonyP2000
Florrat's Packet Journey.

My votes
I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I've ever known.
-Walt Disney
This is like deja vu all over again.
-Yogi Berra


My three would be

1. Liberation Pinball: This map is tops artistically and design-wise, but since I got destroyed endlessly It might not be the most fun. :)
2. There are so many fun maps, It's hard to choose one...
3. SO... I could nominate ATF#1. Of course it is already nominated so i don't need to :D (but I still do) haha


I am recording how many times the same map has been nominated. So ya, you can nominate a map that has already been nominated.
Vote Tony!


My nominations:
help the rebels - Pootispoot (nl) (could the best 80-height map)
The Super Collider - Ebon_Heart (gave me inspiration for many maps, still not 100% sure if I nominate this map)

I'll nominate another one later.
Cubic 3 is nominated 2 times.


(1) Tower Attack.. Just because..
1. Liberation Pinball - UpperKEES - Because I know how much work he put into it and I was a little part of it :)
2. Mona Creeper - Mopa42 - Cool way to draw a nice painting with creeper.
3. The Super Collider - Ebon_Heart - Great field work.


1: A Tragedy Forgotten Part 1
2: the super Collider
3: Dagon 9: Devil in the sky with diamonds
sorry for any misspellings.

Nate Dog

A Tragedy Forgotten Part 1 - Ebon Heart and PeterPower
Help the Rebels - Pootispoot (nl)
Multitask - Sqaz


The voting system is now up! Go make your vote!
Vote Tony!