Custom Map #676: Open Ended Problem

Started by AutoPost, January 09, 2012, 04:01:04 PM

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and if only someone could teach them to sit still  ::)


This map made my 12 year old single core/single thread Pentium cry like a little baby. Took me 40 minutes to play a 3 minute game.

I'm building a new computer this month, and I'm interested to know how much this map lags newer computers like Nehalem, Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge, and "Hassuck". Make sure to build at least 400 to 500 units like I did. :P

I'd also like to see your CPU temps. My ancient Pentium never goes above 48 C with stock cooler/arctic alumina in a 78 F room. I think I got it up to 56 C once, in a 100+ F room when my air conditioner broke.

(P.S. I'm pretty sure my score can be beat by at least 15 to 20 seconds. ;) )