Custom Map #724: Defense Quest

Started by AutoPost, January 16, 2012, 05:01:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #724: Defense Quest

Author: Xindaris

Beware! You've got to defend yourself and dig to a capsule while things get worse and worse coming from up above.


This was a fun level but I found it to be a cakewalk if you follow this strategy:
If you dig up the future dig site path and put a shield and repulsers there with 4 launchers total the creeper never even comes down the tunnels. The main shaft needs 6 blasters and a steady stream of conversion bombs but again no stress at all beacuse you have almost infinite energy and room for reactors. At the end I had 1046 stored crystals and 48 Tech points left after upgrading everything worthwhile. The entire level is just a waiting game for the earth to be dug. I didn't think about it until halfway but then I built portals every 6 squares to speed up the packets... haha.
The same idea but with much faster creeper arriving, perhaps the ENTIRE top being degradable terrain, and maybe nonstop drones would make it much more frenetic.


Well, things moved a little faster and the top couple of emitters were about 10x denser in the first draft of the map, but I couldn't beat it with those settings so I had to tweak things to be a little easier. My limitations as a player pretty much put a roof on the available difficulty of my levels, I guess.


Quote from: Xindaris on January 17, 2012, 11:07:18 AM
Well, things moved a little faster and the top couple of emitters were about 10x denser in the first draft of the map, but I couldn't beat it with those settings so I had to tweak things to be a little easier. My limitations as a player pretty much put a roof on the available difficulty of my levels, I guess.
As a map author you don't have to be the one to submit a qualifying time when submitting a map for approval.  Anyone can do it for you.  If you create a map that YOU can't beat but feel that it's worthy ask in the map testing forum for someone to play it for you.  HERE>>>>
Never teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.
Lazarus Long, Time Enough For Love, Robert A. Heinlein



love it

a really easy but fun concept :) keep making maps my friend