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Started by hapes, November 30, 2009, 01:09:10 AM

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Just keep trying, none of the maps in CW are hard.



Some (many?) do feel hard the first 2, 5, 15 times one plays them.  Then, when one grogs the exact method and one's skills are sharpened on Fenris 4 or other evil maps out there, one find the built-in maps all relatively simple and one wonders why one stuggled so much in the beginning.

I still remember how frustrated I was when I failed many, many times against Gump.


Frigg 3 is a significant jump in difficulty from the previous conquest missions. It gets up in your grill earlier than you expect, and by the time you've managed that you start having to defend yourself on multiple fronts. It's easy to miss something an approaching threat and not respond to it until it's too late.

Agreed with Karsten, though; once you've been through everything, Frigg 3 doesn't look too bad in retrospect.

The link to the other thread has some good advice.


It's also quite possible to beat it without moving the city. Here is a screen from a game at (what should be) stalemate:

This is just after the first wave of spores; I turned the mortar on the left off to make sure I had energy for that wave. The blaster on the right is positioned so it won't fire down into the pool, only at the ledge that my city's on (better safe than sorry). The mortar on the right can target both the bowl above it and the pool below.


i also have trouble with frigg3, and 4. but i take me a week to complete tucanana and i still have so, keep trying.
remember to play my maps. maps from the player jem!


this is how i ended frig 3
remember to play my maps. maps from the player jem!


its much easier if you start the level off by moving odin city to where you currently have your drone hangars


oh, but this is my first time so i didn't if that part will be flood.
remember to play my maps. maps from the player jem!


i still can't beat this...even after reading this thread...


Quote from: blueburby1 on April 05, 2010, 01:27:22 PM
i still can't beat this...even after reading this thread...

The thing to remember (the golden rule of CW?) is minimalism. Don't overbuild at the beginning. Blasters can neutralize a spore, and even if the spores hit, they are not too deadly and evaporate fast. Don't aim blasters into a pool and don't aim mortars at thin creeper. I aim to start this map with a blaster, then another, then  two SAMS, then a mortar  to fire into the large pool top right, from that peninsula, and perhaps another blaster onto the ledge near Odin City.  Then concentrate on energy, build reactors - slowly to build up reserves.

My elapsed game time on this is about 26 minutes.

If I remember and have time later this afternoon, I'll do you a video.