Custom Map #63: Assault 2

Started by AutoPost, August 24, 2011, 06:01:02 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #63: Assault 2

Author: J

And again you have to fight against the creeper weapons.


Fun map! The first time around, I did not notice that the drones were 1 health. :P I was very impressed with the fields in this map. Similar to the ingame bonus which name eludes me... ;)
My CW2 Maps
My CW1 Maps
Quote from: Sqaz on August 28, 2011, 02:49:35 PM
The comments are here to comment, dare to use them.


Nice fields, a shame though you get all that time to prepare and can just attack the top emitter so you don't have to face the fields. Some decayable terrain would've been nice.
Fun map nonetheless, I enjoyed playing it.


All the fun of the map this is based on is that you have to act fast before the creeper surrounds you. This one you have all the time in the world.
Still fun though, I messed up since I didn't leave a couple of blasters behind to hold the creeper back so I can let packets travel and supply my other blasters.
Vote Tony!


Classic military strategy: take out the enemy's supply lines.  ;D (Actually that was pretty much the winning strategy in the original...)
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


Hey, it was fun.

Lots of cool use of fields.

Way surpassing my current creeper shaping abilities.

I look forward to whatever J has in store for us next!

I realize that the player has unlimited time to prepare,

so I imagine that element could be altered in a future level, to raise the difficulty, and keep us on our toes.