Custom Map: Boj o místo

Started by AutoPost, July 24, 2011, 09:17:13 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Boj o místo

Author: llljjj

it's medium-hard.  

Assuming Czech:

Opening text: In this round, you'll have to carve out a place where you build. Learn more later. When you find a new love letter, you'll always find a suitable tip, and how to relieve your way.

Artifact:  Tip: Use the Blasters to obtain a larger area!
Artifact:  Tip: Use the bombing Dronky lake! (Use drones to bomb the lake?)
Artifact:  Tip: Use the bombing Mortara channel! (Use mortars to bomb the channel?)
- Ed.


Thanks, Editor, for the translations.  My Czech is rusty...   :)


I remind you that all the rounds, which will create, will have Czech subtitles. And one small detail - round Boj o místo called, in translation fight for place.

Report writing using Google translator, so please excuse my mistakes.


llljjj -
In any language, this was a fun game.
Thank you for putting it together.


This was a good map.  The first time around I had over 11 minutes and really tried to get that down even quicker but it wasn't that easy.  Looking forward to trying your other maps.

Thanks :)
