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How to submit score?

Started by Panaque, January 30, 2010, 03:10:07 PM

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Thanks for any tip... Game is up to date, everything running fine.


I had the same problem :o (I actually played through the whole game and wondered why my scores didn`t show up)

When you continue onward after seeing the graph (where you can see creeperkilled energy-produced etc) a popup will appear in the center of the screen. There you have to insert your name and click submit on the bottom


Thanks a lot... Sure it is there... Thank you also for answering to a new member, especially for that stupid question. :-\


You have to submit your score after every map you play , to post the score for that map on the score list !
If you dont , you have to play the map again to post the score for your last played map .
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 ;D Another xy hours to play... My wife is going to kill me... ;) Pitty that the old score is not valid... BTW how long does it take to see the score online?


After you have played an map ,
and posted your score by clicking the post score button ,
that is avalibel after you have seen you gameplay ,
it should be there when your screen reloads .
( If your score is high enought to get there )
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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Sure...  :D

THX for the iterest.

And lets do it again!!! 8)


Not working... In story mode have 167.000... do you have to always be online while posting the score, or the game is saving data to some file which is updated while you are online?

Thanks for any ideas...


did you submit every single score of every single map?

If you finish a map with lets say the name "abc" the homepage puts that score in the map-highscore and adds it to the total-highscore of the player "abc" (if the map is played the 1st time, otherwise it is replaced if the new score is bigger).

Since the total score isn`t submitted from your game to the homepage directy, but put together from all the single scores submitted, you have to send the score of every single map in order to get your score. (if you haven`t submitted your score for a map yet and finish the map with a worse score again and submit the score, you get the recent (meaning the worse) score).


Hmm i guess you have to be online to post your score ,
unless you have the post score screen open until your online again .

But i think the game should have an folder that saved your scores ,
so you dont have to post the scores after every game .
But that might do it easyier for cheeters to post the best scores .
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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spiffen you seem to have missed the new leaderbord.

When you submit a score all scores are submitted for the old leaderboard, but the new leaderboard only stores the single score you send.


=P i havent pressed the : send score botton for some time ,
so i have missed the new leaderboard thing if it has changed =P
Guess i should be better to shut up about thing =P
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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How to make links


Strange... Did it exactly the way u told me... Afther every game, submited... Just last three games I was offline, but submited the score, it took litle more time to load but did it...

Maebye some time it will pop in... Thank you for your time anyway...


Just one tip:

Selected score of every single mission, than is easy to look up, why is not total score at the main score list...

Everything working fine... Love this game...


Now I see why my score is not showing up, I only submitted the score for the last world in story. I enjoy this game enough to play it many times so next time through, I will post the score. Here is a screen shot of my score at the first complete play through.