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Map metadata

Started by Karsten75, February 05, 2010, 10:33:19 AM

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Virgil, if you are going to make it so custom map scores can be recorded, then may I suggest that you post a thread (or use this one) where we can brainstorm some ideas on what/how map data should be sent up to the servers?

I'm thinking that the CreeperMap program should have a "Customization" or "metadata " section. If this information is not supplied, then the map will not upload data to the central server. Also, if the map is not recognized on the server, the map scores cannot be uploaded, so that all the play maps people make does not upload scores to the server.

Then perhaps each map author should get be able to "lock" their maps. Here I'm thinking about each person suplying  a passpharse to write an encrypted header to the map. Without the right passphrase the map will not unlock to be editable. If you forget your passphrase, you cannot unlock older maps.. So perhpas a "finalize" option on the map to lock your map before uploading.

In the metadata can be the author name, campaign name, version and perhaps even the little thumbnail of the map?

Then the CW program can read the metadata and display it?


wouldnt that complicate things a little too much?
Not even death can stop the truly determined.

I told them, "I want to add to the world."
They said, "Then learn how to use the editor."
I asked, "What is the editor?"
They said, "Life."


I like the passphrase idea that no one else can edit your maps, becuase if the map's too hard for them they just might edit it and make it easier.


but then their score wouldnt get posted, cause then it would be identified as a different map, besides, it has to be a map that has been posted for it even to be able to have a high score posted, (once Virgil implements it).
Not even death can stop the truly determined.

I told them, "I want to add to the world."
They said, "Then learn how to use the editor."
I asked, "What is the editor?"
They said, "Life."