Creeper World Guide and Tips

Started by Michionlion, January 23, 2011, 09:17:53 AM

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This is a guide to the story of Creeper World, and tips on how to beat levels.  It is not a walk-through thread, so please don't say how to solve a level.  If you would like to add something, feel free to post it and I'll edit this post.  Also, please post tips in spoiler tags.
(For the world Hope, you can simply follow the detailed instructions provided by OPS)

Creeper World Story Worlds:



Rift Complete!
We have Rifted to the next world.  Now that our journey has begun our goal is to leave each world as quickly as possible.

On each world we visit, the Creeper will be hunting us.  It has destroyed thousands of worlds and won’t hesitate to destroy the few of us that remain.

Commander, I have some bad news. Our first Rift jump has erased our data banks!   We’ve lost valuable nano schematics.  As we visit new worlds we will have to collect whatever technology we find to rebuild our data banks.

Scanners indicate that there is some small good news to report.  There is a nano schematic for building Relays at the bottom of your console.

Text window 2

We need to collect this tech and then activate the Rift Totems. I recommend building one or two blasters and using them to push back the Creeper that is heading this way from the south.

Move your blasters forward slowly a small jump at a time.  Each time you jump, build collectors behind the Blasters to extend your network.  Once you get the nano schematic connected to our network, we will be able to build Relays again.  And once we can build Relays, you can quickly build a network to connect and charge the Totems.

Now get busy Commander, our lives depend on you!

-Follow the directions from OPS



The Old Man gave us the coordinates for each of these worlds… the Gods only know where he got them.  But he is the only reason we’ve survived long enough to build Odin City in the first place, so we owe him the benefit of the doubt.  Plus, what other choice do we really have anyway?

Commander, there is a nano schematic for energy storage on this world.  Build out a base and collect this as a first order of business.  Energy storage will allow you to construct storage pods that will buffer the energy our collectors produce.  This can be useful when you need to build or arm lots of things all at the same time.

Also Commander, be mindful f your energy consumption at all times.  Watch the red starvation indicator in the lower right of your command bar.  If this is very large, you are building too many things or powering too many things at once.  Either fall back, or build more energy collectors.




Excellent job on that last world Commander.  You outperformed any of the simulators predictions.  You seem to have a natural talent for command.  We might just have a chance with you at the helm.

Scanners show a high priority target in the lower right of the map.  There is a nano schematic for a major weapon system there.  The Orions onboard say that their military had been working on an anti-Creeper Mortar system.  This weapon can fire over walls and at higher terrain elevations.  As you may have noticed, blasters require a line of sight to their target so they can’t fire at elevations higher than themselves or through walls.  But with this mortar tech, we can overcome this limitation!

The Orions indicate that the Mortar is mostly useful against deep pools of Creeper.  The shells it fires will destroy any depth of creeper down to the terrain.  In fact, the Mortar always auto targets the thickest Creeper in range.  Our military analysts recommend that Blasters be used against the thin Creeper that spreads everywhere and that Mortars should be positioned to fire at deep pools of Creeper.

Commander, if you find that a Mortar is drawing too much energy and is only firing at thin Creeper, you can select the Mortar and click the Deactivate button I the lower left of the command bar.  This will turn off the Mortar until you need it again.

-The way to get a faster time is to move the city
-Only use one mortar for both pools of Creeper



Commander, there is information I have been withholding since we left Hope…. When the data banks were lost we also lost the coordinates for most of the worlds the Old Man left us.  We can go anywhere, yet we have no knowledge of where to go.

All worlds are lost and covered in Creeper… but the path given to us by the Old man must have had some reason and meaning.  But now we may never know.  I know I should not have withheld this information, but I just didn’t know how to tell you.  And Commander, this world is the last world we have coordinates for.  Even if you activate the Rift Totems, I don’t know what coordinates to enter.  At best I will be able to pick a random world.

Commander, there appears to be some sort of Artifact in the middle of the map.  We aren’t sure… scanners can’t determine what it is.  It is probably nothing but you might want to check it out…

Artifact 1:
Our scientists have analyzed the Artifact… the results were at first puzzling.  This Artifact should definitely not be on this world… it contains writing not used by Cetusions.  The analysis computers have concluded that the Artifact encodes the coordinates of five known worlds.  What is special about these worlds, the Artifact doesn’t say.

Pick the first of the coordinates and program them into the totems.  Since we don’t have any other place to go, we might as well find out what is special about these worlds.

One more thing Commander… the dating computer has determined that the Artifact is 1,261 years old.  Whatever it is, the coordinates were carved into it in the year 2010….

-You can benefit from moving the city
-Be prepared for the walls to collapse



Fascinating…..  The coordinates we got from the Artifact on Cetus have taken us to the step-pyramid ruins on a world called Ara.  This world was one of the first worlds destroyed by the Creeper.  How some numbers written on a tablet in the year 2010 could come to represent this exact location must be some sort of crazy cosmic coincidence.

Perhaps…..  OPS is there anything of tangible value on this world?

Scanners calibrating…. Yes… there appears to be a nano schematic for improving the efficiency of our network.  Commander, this tech will allow the construction of nodes that provide a global speed-up to all packets.  This could be very useful for supporting larger networks and keeping Blasters and Mortars well supplied over long distances.

Commander, remember that Blasters can’t fire at elevations higher than themselves.  Since you will have to fight up the steps of a great pyramid, you will have to be aggressive with you Blasters and move them into the Creeper.  The Blasters can take some moderate exposure to the Creeper.  Just make sure you have the Blasters supplied with a nearby network node when you make a move to take higher ground.

-You may have to break connection with blasters on the way up the pyramid



The once lush ocean world of Corvus….  I always dreamed of visiting this beautiful world.  Now it is a dry, barren rock.  The Creeper knows no end to its destructive power.

Commander, I show something on the scanners…. MY GODS!   There are survival pods on this world!  They must have recently landed after staying in orbit as long as possible.

Notify the medical centers to expect casualties.  We’re going to save those people…. Too many have been taken by the Creeper already.

The whole city is on alert satus and medical are mobilizing.  Build out a network to connect to the pods so we can rescue the survivors.  Sensors show that the Creeper has massed and is rushing this way in a wave like we have never encountered.  It must sense the survivors somehow.  You will need to act quickly and aggressively to save the survivors…
Go save them Commander!

text window appears after you get last survival pod
All survival pods have been secured Commander.  Twenty seven people have been saved.  Great job!  One of the survivors has told us that they are a crew of a science mission that has been in extra-galactic deep space for the last 20 years.  They had just recently returned to our galaxy to find every world they visited covered in Creeper. Eventually, they ran out of fuel and settled into orbit around this world. There they stayed until they could no longer maintain orbit.  They had just entered their escape pods and crashed on the surface moments before Odin City rifted through.

And Commander, one of the survivor claims he was approached by an Old Man over twenty years ago.  He was given a stone by the Old Man before he and his crew set out on their deep space mission.  The Old Man told him it would keep him and his crew safe on their journey.  He also told him that one day, in his moment of greatest need, others on a great journey would find him and save him… and that on that day the stone would find a new home with the leader of those others.

Let me see this man and his good luck charm in my Ready Room.  Have him wait there until I get a moment to speak with him.

Yes sir.

-You can use a mortar to bomb far into Creeper territory
-Speed is useful here



Draco…. This world was barely inhabitable before the Creeper got here.  Now it's just a horror to behold.  Get us off this rock as quickly as you can Commander.

Scanners do show another Artifact, try to pick it up but don't let it delay our escape.  We're perched on the edge of a giant caldera.  The idea of being caught in a Creeper volcano sends shivers down my spine.

Artifact 1
This Artifact is a bit of an enigma.  Our scientists will have to analyze it for some time before we can learn anything from it.

-Make sure the Creeper doesn't out-flank you
-Build out before attacking the center crater



We appear to be in a good position on this world Commander.  We should be able to reach and energize the Totems with reasonable ease.  Worlds like this are probably fairly rare, so enjoy this while we can.  Do be careful to not let the Creeper advance into the valley too far.  Position Blasters and Mortars on the heights that flank the passage into the valley.  This will cut the Creeper off and stop its advance.

-Moving the city can help a lot here



OPS, sound the city alarm.  We have trouble coming.  One of the scientists we rescued a couple worlds back had some critical information for us.  He and his crew spent some time in orbit around this world and they observed something unexpected.  Apparently, the Creeper here has started producing Aerial Spores.  These Spores are launched from great distances and target human made structures.  When they land they release patches of Creeper that immediately destroy anything in the vicinity.  We have no defense against this….

Commander I might have something we can adapt as a defense.  There is a nearby nano schematic for some missile technology that the Octans were working on. Octan is constantly bombarded by meteor debris so they must have developed some advanced missile tracking technology to deal with it.  Pick up the nano schematic and we can use those missiles to defend against these Spores.

Our sensors can detect incoming Spore attacks at great distances so I've augmented your command console to show a countdown timer.  Keep an eye on this timer as it indicates when the next Spore attack is due.  Also Commander, you might want to build redundancy into your network.  If Spores make it through, you don't want to have a whole section of the network lose power.

One more thing Commander… Our scientists have identified a potential weakness in the Creeper.  Apparently, if you get a Blaster in range of a Creeper emitter and eliminate any surrounding Creeper, a single Blaster will be able to cap-off the emitter.  This tactic could be very useful.

after retrieval of SAM tech

Excellent news Commander.  The missile tech can be utilized to creat a Surface to Air Missile system.  This SAM unit should be able to shoot down incoming Creeper Spores.  Build several of these units and spread them around you base.  You may also need to move them around as you expand you base.

Also Commander, the schematics listed five worlds where the Octans planned to ship the technology.

Program the coordinates for the first of these worlds into the Totems.  That's where we will head next.


*This is incomplete, and may stay that way*
"Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writing it down."
                                                                                                                         - Adam Savage

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You're welcome.  I hope to have the rest of the planets and maybe some of the special ops by the end of next week.  It really is hard work rewriting all this (but it does give me something to do ;D)
"Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writing it down."
                                                                                                                         - Adam Savage

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you might want to put a bar between levels
like this
or this
might help with orginization
We have become the creeper...


maybe... between the story and other stuff, but its already organized enough
"Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writing it down."
                                                                                                                         - Adam Savage

My website
My CW1, and CW2 maps!


you know there's a wiki for creeper world we started a while back, go improve that :P


like i said, the thing is the wiki tells you exactly how to do a level, but not all people want that.  they just need a hint or tip on how to beat it.  and btw anybody who has any tips just comment with them and i'll put them in.  Especially for the ones that don't have any tips now.
"Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writing it down."
                                                                                                                         - Adam Savage

My website
My CW1, and CW2 maps!


you can always seperate them, put the tips first then a spoiler alert or even section it off so the main page has tips and then a link to the walkthrough


"Remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is writing it down."
                                                                                                                         - Adam Savage

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