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new map page

Started by jem, February 01, 2010, 11:38:36 AM

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i saw the map page has been reordered but i think some little things are wrong:
1: the colors detract to much
2: the really new maps, (so the just posted maps) have to be more away from the old ones
3: the explanation text has to be visible on the start page.
4: the "updated" sign doesn't appear anymore now, that also has to be fixed
remember to play my maps. maps from the player jem!


Can't please everybody all the time... I think it looks great and is much cleaner than before. The colors aren't loud, and it's far easier to compare various maps.

Though perhaps a compromise on #3 would be a tooltip with that information if possible?


Regarding the "updated" tag.  I'm going to stop updating maps and start asking people to simply post a new version of their map.  As in v1.1, v1.2.  There are a number of reasons for this:
- It takes extra time for me to dig up and update a map.
- Some updates significantly changes the map, and people want to play the old map.
- I can't implement an online score system for the custom maps if I keep changing the maps.

I'd rather see people just post a new version of the map and put (ver 1.1, or update 1.1) in the title.  This way I can just post the map like all other maps.  It will also work out with online scoring and ratings as the new map will have its own rating and scores.

Regarding the colors.  There is a unique color per difficulty.  If somebody wants to mock up a screen shot of the map page that uses 5 different colors (one per difficulty), and it looks better than what I have now.... I'll take those colors and use them.  I'm not in loved with the colors that are there right now, so if there is something better, I'll gladly change.

Regarding the full description.  I can maybe look at a tooltip.  I don't want to go back to the full text being always visible, though.  If I did I'd be right back to the page that I had.  The old page was great when there were 30 maps.  We're on our way to 500, so there needs to be a way to keep more maps visible for a longer period of time on the "main" page.  As it was, each map got around 1 day of front page exposure and I could only post 10 maps per day on that main page.  Now I will post up to 25 maps and a map gets 3 days exposure on the main page (longer if I post less than 25... which will be the case once I get caught up).

I also plan to implement a "random" map spinner at the top of the page so that older maps will pop up and catch peoples eyes as they visit the page.  Some of the older maps are real charms and some of the newer players would get a lot of enjoyment out of them if they got exposed to them.