Custom Map #11293: No tricks and multi approach map. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, October 02, 2024, 03:39:48 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11293: No tricks and multi approach map

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 200x150


Johnny Haywire

Dude. I have to admit that even though I hate runners - especially the explodey kind - I see how they're necessary to provide the intended challenge on this map.

If you're struggling with the map, pat yourself on the back and welcome yourself to the human race.

Helpful tips (not spoilers) - For explodey runners, you need to kill that digi and then have lots of firepower and/or AC to hold off the creeper that comes from it. Two huge requirements: Range and Rate of Fire. If you can get to the AC (much faster using guppies) that will really help.

The rest of it is just developing enough energy and power. It's pretty straightforward mathematically, so just keep playing easier maps and you'll eventually get the hang of it.

This is one of those few maps that I felt really good about completing. Probably in the top 15% as far as difficulty goes, I think. Somewhere in the 10-20% range at least. Great design, not too frustrating, and pretty much every element of a vanilla map.

Thanks for the map!!! =)
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