Custom Map #11227: Feed the hungry. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, August 11, 2024, 07:04:20 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11227: Feed the hungry

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 128x84


Johnny Haywire

Thanks for making this one - it was a good puzzle without being too weird or anti-social. I wouldn't mind sitting next to this map and watching a movie together. Some good tricks, but no malicious exploits or anything.

Granted, the map isn't so amazing that I'd *PAY* for the movie, but the map and I could hang out for a while and be cool about it.

Thanks for the map!
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Martin Gronsdal

Would it be enough if I print this map for you, and you can watch movies with it like it's your companion?

Johnny Haywire

You disagree with this sentence, don't you?