Custom Map: most intense

Started by AutoPost, December 20, 2010, 03:08:12 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: most intense

Author: bikkethepirate

the creepers are at thier highest possible setting and it is pouring spores. this map is definatly cpu heavy. let me know how i did, feel free to give me suggestions.


Aptly titled!  Nice job.  At first I dismissed this as trivial, it took me 17 tries until I got it down. Timing is everything with this one.  This might actually be classed as hard, but I'm not really the judge of that.  
Never teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.
Lazarus Long, Time Enough For Love, Robert A. Heinlein


That Is MY Map!

Next Time ASK and give CREDIT!

You didn't even delete the pre-built items already in place!


had to register just to make this.

sorry about that. this was mostly a "lets see how this works" kind of thing. didnt think id make it through the whole procces of submitting a map without registering or something like that.was wondering if i can edit a submitted map in anyway, but so far, i dont see a way to edit it in anyway. the mark the difficulty yourself thing is one thing, but whats up with that type in your author name thing? seem like i coulda just type in your name and it woulda looked like you made it or any other author made it.

though i was unregistered at the time and couldnt say anything, i guess it was rude. i give you credit for the map blaze *bow*


Alright, thanks.

Next time though, just ask, I don't mind really, I just don't like it when the author does not give credit.
If you would have given credit at first, I would have been glad I helped you make a map in some way.