Custom Map #2611: PAC Bulwark. By: Vertu

Started by AutoPost, November 27, 2021, 08:22:51 PM

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Quote from: BrokenLifeCycle on December 09, 2021, 01:40:20 AM
Alright. So I played this map. Proceeded to deliberately tick off the director to spawn in a crapton of enemy units. When I destroyed the Rift Lab, I was met with a "Well Played" dialogue box which did not let me close it and take my victory.

What gives? Is that a secret ending? Is it broken? What?
Strange.. would of thought this to of been said sooner. It should have a text button of "Who is the mighty one now!" or something like that to close it.. Apologies.
Life isn't fair because we say it isn't. Not because it is unfair. In fact, it is so fair we want to say it isn't and do.


didnt get this message.
Fun fact: Save a few sec before the scm starts. if the target suits - take it. If not: reload. and if you use top view - just take a launcher to spawn skimmers or blobs to disturb as much as you can. Was much easier  with this.


Quote from: GadgetBoy on December 02, 2021, 09:50:13 PM
This *could* have been a fun map, but because of all of your overpowered weapons that I have absolutely ZERO defence against turn it from a potentially fun map to a frustrating and maddening slog.

Having literally half of my creeper on the map erased by a missile I cannot defend against is complete and utter bullshit.

You're making hard maps for the sake of making them hard. They aren't fun.

I agree with this. I just added a "-vertu" into the Author search so I stop getting these maps. I play to be challenged but not sit here an listen to 10 of these indestructible fighter things shooting 1000 rounds a second with no defense against them. I just watched as I went from 200k creeper to 2000 in one blast so overpowered is an understatement. I just closed the map and marked it as hidden along with this map maker.

Nemo Oceansoul

just beat the map for first time (chose no answers only): i had multiple instances where the scm landed right in places where the creep was annihilated a frame later by the red beam of death OR it landed right in the maginot line (12 times) =/

finally beat the map after 3~ (in game time) hours (12 irl, -.-). i would of done it in less than an igt hour as i had swarmed the rift lab and its surroundings with a crap ton of skimmers and it wasnt able to generate any energy or transfer any ammo materials out of there.. (only had about 6 erns at the time, all were set to launchers) but then the red laser of death destroyed all the creep i had built up to get them over the wall... idk how it was still getting ammo cause i had the skimmers swarming there for a good 10 minutes before hand. then a ac nuke hit and so had to wait for 15 different instances of scm landing in a spot i could build in to create some more launchers and just swarm the place again...

idk what the deal with the ending is though: its constantly pausing and creating the "-end-" screen every frame which is causing my pc to lag even more... (i had to spam click rift jump a good 40 times just for the input to register, current ups is at 3...)

also i think the custom units could of been a little less vision impairing because it was difficult to see what was happening as they laid down destruction in large areas...

annoyingly difficult. dont recommend unless you enjoy rng and slog.