Custom Map #3573: Thares. By: Flash1255

Started by AutoPost, May 22, 2016, 04:09:06 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3573: Thares

Author: Flash1255
Size: 131x121

I'll probably start using CRPL more now. Figuring out how to get the script to run was NOT obvious. CRPL: Rail-walking emitters, plus creeper will wrap around the sides of the screen. #CRPL #noDigi #noSpores #InhibitorMap


Oh. I didn't notice the wraparound. I think that was largely inconsequential, because the emitters were close enough to the border that not much creeper actually flowed over the boundaries.

Interesting concept, you don't see zero-strength inhibitors very often, so that means there must be some other challenge - and indeed it was.