Custom Map #10900: Choose your adventure. By: Me bro

Started by AutoPost, September 28, 2023, 10:51:59 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10900: Choose your adventure

Author: Me bro
Size: 150x200

Decently sized puzzle map. 6 Islands with nullifiers ready to go, the catch is: you can only choose one island to land on.The rest will be infested, each island has a different strategic resource, choose wisely! (PS: You have to make you land near the nullifier before some units, otherwise game will not arm the nulifier.) PSS: ( you have to collect the three reminders i place on three islands to finish!.) GL!


The idea is neat, though many adventure options aren't great.  Starting in the upper right seems the best choice to me.  Having a forge and being the closest to the happy forge flower is a massive advantage.  Starting with only a single ore patch is just sad, and you don't really need snipers.  You might be able to do something cool with the energy pentagons, or at least have a head start on your reactor spam to have enough power to terraform everything because the terrain is so messy.

In summation you should add thors everywhere

me bro

Thanks for the reply! Maybe i will try this style again someday. I was struggling to find balanced resources for each island, the idea was that the higher islands would have better rewards but be harder to defend. As for the bottom islands, i was hoping that snipers would be more useful, and the strafers were kind of a throwaway island. I wanted to give more prebuilt units like beams or simply mortars and blasters, but you could just move them out of harms way immediately. Unless i did the same nullifier trick with the units but I wouldve had to remove all my emitters and playtest a ton. Ill have to look into thors again, i simply didnt add them because i forgot what they did! lol. I will take this feedback and of course playtest a little more thoroughly for my next one. Stay tuned!


that was a great map! thx 4 making!
i enjoyed this map a lot.
aka: AlexX