Custom Map #1934: The Stronghold [Part 1](XTR Side). By: XT3 FR3

Started by AutoPost, July 24, 2023, 10:35:32 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1934: The Stronghold [Part 1](XTR Side)

Author: XT3 FR3
Size: 500x500

We have reached a key stronghold that will give us a straight access to the main FRB planet. Your objective is to break through this Stronghold.


The ships are just badly designed:

Many have their cockpits in front, so they will die to any kind of serious opposition quickly.

Energy supply from energy mines cannot keep more than maybe three MK7s charged.
One can make four MK7s kinda-supplied with generous tanks or lots of generators; SIX MK7s is good for a quick assault and faster retreat, except the XTR Dreads are woefully underequipped with engines.
Even worse, the MK7s will drain the energy supply and make them die to any stray fighter because without energy, the beams will not be able to drain the fighters.
Also, the beams alone can quickly drain the energy reserves. And it is *much* more beams than are actually needed, it's really enough if an XTR Dread can make its own path through plasma (if it needs to accommodate accompagnying vessels, you can still slow down the Dread - gives you a tactical decision to either advance quickly or more slowly with support vessels, now that puts the player in charge instead of making him watch helplessly as the Dread depletes its energy store on things that aren't even necessary, just to die to minimal opposition).

Also, invisible shipyards are just a pain in the posterior to find and shut down.
In particular, if they stop building without energy, so blue ships will never move towards them and show you where one is; you really have to try moving your ships so see what areas can't be flown over, and that's just abusing a game mechanic.