Custom Map #9720: CSM-tribute to Yum234!. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, October 04, 2021, 10:28:08 AM

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Normal map with picture of CSM on level 1 and level 2 terrain (I like maps with non default colors of terrain in cw3 they are rare and csm is good with different color on level 10 terrain that the map starts with.). When it comes to actual CSM maps, we would like to get more CSM in the next game CW4 there is only a few maps as CSM. Also more maps using new artistic features of CW4 would be beneficial aside from just copy a picture.


 :D and I was so looking forward to a huge CSM map!!!

I should give you a 1 for this, but I gave a 10 instead to balance out all the people without a sense of humor  ;)

Johnny Haywire

You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Martin Gronsdal

oh well, this is by far my most downloaded map, also with most scores.

What does that say?

probably not much

Johnny Haywire

It says you should make a REAL, actual CSM map... but maybe with one or two of your weird but cool & straightforwardly confusing twists.

Honestly, I think it would be a blast!  ;D ;D ;D

You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Martin Gronsdal

Come to my home and show me how I make them and it will be a blast. I just don't know for who

Johnny Haywire

I know how you make them, and I stopped smoking that stuff the year after that Truman guy met me & my crew in in Roswell after we landed. He said, "This is a peace pipe" so we were like "Cool. We're all about peace" and then we were suddenly all about green poodles that swam through the air like sea turtles. Man, that stuff was addicting.

But thanks for the invite - I'll have to just play your maps from my location. At least until the fleet arrives in 2033 or so, depending on who's driving.

You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Martin Gronsdal

when I decided to build Area51 I never had you in my mind at all. Sorry


Troll map.
Which is sort-of okay.

Not being able to see where the levels are?
Not fun to play.