Custom Map #10229: 256-FirstTry. By: Rennervate

Started by AutoPost, August 30, 2022, 01:16:12 PM

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Johnny Haywire


Yet another fantastic map, dude! I think it took me 3 or 4 tries to get the right starting combination but once you get the first emitter down, it's pretty smooth sailing from there.

But it's never boring, which is impressive. Even the final push isn't a cakewalk because the hop to the Inhibitor island - while not overly difficult - requires a bit of finesse and strategy.

And all the pick-ups are pretty much in the path that the player would be going anyway so there's not a lot of ridiculous busywork involved.

Great job putting this together, and I'm not sure how much Tek helped but he's always a great resource too.

Thanks for the awesome map!! =)
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