Custom Map #10085: S02-1D - Sagittare. By: LappySheep

Started by AutoPost, June 04, 2022, 05:09:21 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10085: S02-1D - Sagittare

Author: LappySheep
Size: 123x123

Ironic that I made this to try to turtle less but that's what I ended up doing. Oh well.


Interesting start!
I'm having difficulty getting a good foothold, but not ready to give up yet.
Thanks for making this.

Martin Gronsdal

so I didn't find the start hard, but
I ran out of collectors/relays. At some point they weren't available anymore. I don't mean I hit the maximum I could build: they weren't there anymore.


Waiting for Something to Happen ?


Saving frequently is recommended for this one, especially for the end.

Loren Pechtel

Whether this is bugged or a nasty trick it's wrong.  You're dead in the water when you blow the last runner nest, if there's something else you needed to do you lose.


Maybe off-topic, but when I sit back and look at the map, it resembles 4 connected Peace Symbols on a stick?
(And I'm not even smoking nothing.)

Anyone else see that?

PS - No, I still can't finish it.


One of the problems often stated with this game is the end of game is always a clean up exercise. Diminishing unit numbers is an interesting way of addressing this but it is possibly more of an annoyance than a serious hindrance. Interesting map though.

Martin Gronsdal

problem is that even though I made it to the end, I still don't 100 % know what made the units dissappear.

is it somehow connected to the PZ with creeper being shot empty?


I think every time you nulifiy a runners nest your unit count is reduced.

Martin Gronsdal

Well, I kept them alive and still had them reduced


Martin Gronsdal


I triple checked the CRPL code, and there's nothing in it which would suggest that unit build caps are reduced from destroying runner nests, since it explicitly checks for CRPL cores existing.


The graphics and game play on this one are top notch.
With that said, any chance you could do a version of named "Sagittare for Dummies"?

Humble Helper