Custom Map #690: Creeper World Inc. By: chaotea

Started by AutoPost, February 05, 2021, 04:07:29 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #690: Creeper World Inc

Author: chaotea
Size: 320x160


Hadn't originally planned on making this hard, just thought it would be fun, and a jokey tribute to Plague inc, a game i liked.

While making it, i wanted the absorber to not only act as a boundary, but also ensure certain areas weren't too easy to clear because the creeper limit was used up by other locations.

Problem was that the creeper was just melting away so fast the breeder couldn't stack it. So i made the breeder off cycle shorter. Still, this made the creeper stack abit, but nothing one or two mortars couldn't clear in seconds. So i reduced the flow rate to minimum.
I thought this would make it easier. I was obviously wrong. At first i was going to re-edit it, but a few min in (i play on x4 speed and don't pause as often as i should, part of the reason my own times for my maps are so bad) i found i liked the challenge.

Tips for anyone struggling. Start in an area you can completely clear with a conversion orbital. Cannons are the best for pushing, mortars don't do much. Small territories can be rushed by cannons, just dump them down in the creeper. Leave the largest ones till you can clear space and get power up. Then a mix of bombers and AC bombers can help push, backed up by cannons. If cannon rush is stalling, use AC to help hold any ground you've taken.

Turned into a longer map, but i liked it. Cant wait for someone to beat it in 5 min :D Good luck.


I was kind of surprised I liked this map that much - good job on the map(s)!

Greetings from The Shire!

Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!


Great map, I had a lot of fun.  I started in Australia which turned out to be a bit of a pain as I had no way to make Micro Rifts for a while, but lots of ERNs.  I loved the little traps you laid, never even gave them a second thought until it was far too late. Oops.

The two red creeper areas were the only times I used a few orbitals (other than starting the game) and I made sure I had a full squad of boosted AC bombers to obliterate them and keep them free of creeper until I had those sections secured. I ended up restarting the game the first time when I started attacking northern Asia all along the border and filled the dang thing with red creeper before realizing what was happening.

I did notice that the red creeper seems to dissipate after about half an hour, by the time I took on the Asian spot it was just a tiny red square directly over the generator and easy to wipe out. It made it much easier to save that for last but it meant I didn't have 2/3rd of the Greenar sources until the end, so I really didn't use orbitals at all, especially since I started as far away from the only accessible spot as possible.


This map was a lot of fun, nice job.
I think I did fairly well on the board, even though I don't usually get anywhere near the top, and I don't usually try.
It was very different from most maps because the creeper just wouldn't go away because of the breeder. The next map I play will probably seem easy. Starting in Northwest Africa seemed like a really good place to start. I ended up wit a bunch of orbitals that I forgot about, when I was almost done Russia, so I ended up using 4 conversions to quickly end, it saved me some time.