Custom Map #9943: Shattered. By: Dark6al3a

Started by AutoPost, March 31, 2022, 03:49:58 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #9943: Shattered

Author: Dark6al3a
Size: 256x256

A Shattered planet...Try to eradicate the creeper on all of those Islands For extra challenge, you can Ignore the Thor I might make another version if I find something to Improve or Fix in it Feedback would be appreciated


I guess It's decent for a First Map, Isn't it ?
I feel like it's trash
Anyways, A V2 is getting made, Along with Shattered Ruins
Waiting for Something to Happen ?


The terrain etc is great. Personaly I dont't like pre built units, it is a little bit like being told how to set up and start the map and I would rather do it my way from scratch. The berthas and AoOs also make it pretty much an inst win which is why I didn't bother playing it. Those 3 bases are not threatened much early on and can be very easily connected and theres loads of room for collectors. I would seperate the bases with emitters and digitalis, make them smaller and remove a lot fo prebuilt units. If you want to give players a head start just use packets. All of this is just my opnion, other players may love it. Just make what you want o play  :D


The V2 isn't going well at all
The Bases Were Separated, A lot of stuff was added, Many Pre built units were Removed,
Plenty of Dialogue was added, The Terrain Became Slightly ragged, Digitalis now extends to the Bases, some Islands Got Emitters,But...Grabz' Creeper Bomber was added...This is what ruined everything.....Base 1 gets carpet bombed by the bombers, Base 2 gets destroyed by spores...although it's in the best situation in the 3, And Base 3 gets Rekt by digitalis
Waiting for Something to Happen ?


Quote from: AutoPost on March 31, 2022, 03:49:58 PMThis topic is for discussion of map #9943: Shattered

Author: Dark6al3a
Size: 256x256

A Shattered planet...Try to eradicate the creeper on all of those Islands For extra challenge, you can Ignore the Thor I might make another version if I find something to Improve or Fix in it Feedback would be appreciated
Enjoyed your map... Great tension with the looming Spore attack...  More opportunities than I could use... Playing the whole map would have been fun...
This is an excellent Test Map for practicing different attack skills...

Your request for Feedback??? ... Understanding the multiple ways the resources provided can be used to win a map helps map design... And can also speed map commissioning times...
Being aware of your Thor trick on a later map... And... Using the Artifacts of Orion... It is possible to build a couple of collectors and pick them up during a quick spare Command Ship landing... then fly the command ship and use AoO...with air and Bertha backup on the Inhibitor in the SW corner... A few "stacked" guppies can reach and build the nullifier even faster... One awesome player discovered a faster solution... perhaps by moving one of his nearby Command ships once the AoO packets were energized... and doing Everything Everywhere All at the same time... or just using guppies to build the nullifier...
80-year-old codgers like me are getting so far over-the-hill our minds and hands are too slow... so I must tap the "N" PC keyboard key to juggle that kind of detailed micromanagement... Also very useful for tough map starts...
A forge takes a bit over 1 minute to build...  Worth it if enough energy and Aether jewels or Totems are available... even a little extra packet speed, build speed or energy boost speeds the nullifier build time... 

Maps with lots of spoor attacks need pre-start planning to win... Suggest initially taping the "P" key to let the map run at 4X speed until the spore towers start firing... This tells how many minutes are needed either to build enough vanilla beams = [Spores/2 + enough extra beams to catch the leakers] ...  or use guppies to nullify the towers... or plan to nullify the Inhibitor... This map gave the player 3 min 15 seconds... Which was enough for me... Map restarts are free... 

Feedback   This is an excellent map to learn how to use AoOs... It took me many, many, years to learn how to use them... Until I tried Colonial Space map #1... Multiple fails and terrible times... Finally, I stopped beating my head into the wall... looked at the times of reputable players who are still active today... then looked carefully at the resources in the map... AND...
Took a few blind leaps of faith and learned how to use the spare Command ship with just a blue and yellow AoO.  A command ship is tough... and lasts long enough to charge the nullifier...

Feedback:  This AoO trick only works if the game designer allows it to happen:
In the Projects World Builder... There is a place to activate an anti-Artifacts of Odin feature... and the size of the exclusion zone can be customized...   
Augh ... I enjoy your maps the way they are...

As an aside... See... DOM map #12242 eazy 4u... for what happens when multiple Air Exclusion Towers with large exclusion zones are added to a map like yours... clicking on the Command Ship panel AoO targeting button... [Just like when you tap on any aircraft button...]  creates a massive fog of war that really clouds up the targeting... To my very recent shame... it scammed me into thinking my pregame layout to collect all those AoOs was useless... Ouch!!!

Feedback:   Many people have helped my map making... For example: See Custom Map #10255: THOR Snipe Shoot on AstraNineRRRs DMD Map #6918 SimpleOne. By: oldnewby
This forum also includes info on how to prevent use of the Singularity... How to stack guppies... [The so-called Guppy Glitch] etc.   

Hope some of this is useful...
PS:-  New to me... never occurred to me to use a "6" instead of a "G"