Custom Map #2485: Cursor+Autobuild 2. By: Clueless

Started by AutoPost, October 25, 2021, 07:47:46 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2485: Cursor+Autobuild 2

Author: Clueless
Size: 256x160


It appears to me that the auto-build script on this map is very b0rked


Yeah, that map wasn't quite as polished as your first one.   There's a unit placed in the upper right on mesh, but in an area that doesn't get creeper for a while, so you get to listen to 10 minutes of the 'unit building canceled' sound once a second.  (The script only checks for creeper, not active mesh, because that was something the map maker would generally avoid)

Also The 'Hi' popping up went from 'oh that's cute', to '*sigh* 'That completely cut off supply lines and added something like 10 minutes to the mission'.  And preventing you from taking the redon canyon until just before you win felt overly punishing, too.  (You have to take the bottom right quadrant first, because the canyon is only entered from the right, and you really want to get that canyon because your supply line is like 20 seconds long without it. 
I'm known as Auri in cw4.

Clueless Disgrace

Thanks for the Input.

The impression of Autobuild being borked is understandable, unit amount and placement is reduced by design.

The Hi was difficult to balance, my intention was to tell the player it's not a straightforward easy map but more of giving the player a mid goal to reach with a, let's say, preview without being mere trolling.

And that unit that sits on one point on mesh annoys me too, on my test run there was creeper on it the whole time so no constant build attempts.


Your description of this map totally undersold it.  The map is brilliant.   I love that little 'Hi' thinking it was just a cute little easter egg and even when I saw it building I didn't think twice about it, then suddenly I lost half my base.  (And I believe I swore at you, but this is a kid friendly forum so I'll omit that.)     Then having to build the long way in order to get to the ability to make shortcuts was something I haven't seen before and I love it.

Once you stop trying to force the autobuild and try to figure out the dirrection it wants to go it really settles into a solid expiernce.

Great job.  Can't say enough nice things about it.   Please make more.


Ok please stop trolling people with a unnecessary Detour, that would be great. Thank you! 


Never saw (did I miss it?) the "little Hi"  what on earth was it? Where did it appear? Can't bear to play this again, it's too frustrating that incessant sound of the abortive pylon on the east edge - that and the circuitous detour route and insane overbuilding/energy shortages.

Edit, I lied, I did go back. Wow, that's just trolling. Thanks for nothing pal.


Good map, was pretty easy to just ignore the top left emitter and go straight to the yellow breeder and focus on keeping the creeper off the blue breeders so you can make your way to the right emitter. The HI troll made me laugh rather than angry, I don't think I used any of the units aside from the nullifiers... For a tougher version I'd say add more breeders or another emitter so that stash can get going.

John Galt

I was able to win this map in 14 minutes and a big part of that speed was in being able to stop the stash with just a few drops of anticreeper.  Haven't seen this on other maps but got it blocked in the first minute and never had to bother with it again the rest of the fight. After I had the setup in the picture it was just a matter of splashing a little AC onto the creeper multiplier terrain and moping up.  Creeper never spread much past the point it was in the first few minutes.