Custom Map #9908: CSM black SG testing. By: builder17

Started by AutoPost, March 09, 2022, 11:37:33 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #9908: CSM black SG testing

Author: builder17
Size: 99x99

CSM map with actually useful black stargates in it. Probably do-able without them though. #CSM #Terps #BSG


Is the creeper/anticreeper cycling at the black gate an intended feature?


Where does one find instructions for all these CSM maps? I understand there are no weapons to attack creeper and the AC floods/smothers the emitters. My only experience has been hoping the AC has enough coverage to be unleashed to an area where the creeper concentration is lower. It seems there must be ways to manipulate the AC though.
What does CSM and BSG stand for?


Quote from: CharlieMartini on March 09, 2022, 05:43:16 PM
Where does one find instructions for all these CSM maps? I understand there are no weapons to attack creeper and the AC floods/smothers the emitters. My only experience has been hoping the AC has enough coverage to be unleashed to an area where the creeper concentration is lower. It seems there must be ways to manipulate the AC though.
What does CSM and BSG stand for?

Huh. I don't know what CSM stands for. :)

- One of the easiest ways to manipulate creeper/anticreeper in these maps is TERPS. Box in your AC/enemy AC, or quickly raise terrains with AC on it to "shove" the AC overtop of creeper and overwhelm it.
- Other ways are to use the 'caps', if available, to plug up the stargates to control what can or can't transfer.
A few best strats-
1, plug the gate with the stronger creeper emitters.
2, if you can't stop the input due to multiple powerful gates, then plug a single 'output' gate that would cause high creeper to flood areas it otherwise wouldn't reach.
3, plug some closer gates, to aid a quick advance.

- This map also has some gates that require 'powering' to transmit AC/creep. You can turn these on/off very easily with Guppies; just send them next to one to feed it packets and enable it.

Forge helps for getting energy and Terp range, mostly. Otherwise it doesn't really matter. For some severe situations you could consider using the Forge's ... I forgot the name, basically a 'gravity well' attack to suck over creeper & ac. But usually that isn't needed.


Thank you. I am starting to get it and will play round with it now.


Quote from: CharlieMartini on March 10, 2022, 02:29:37 PM
Thank you. I am starting to get it and will play round with it now.

The earlier maps tend to be simpler, so if you search for CSM and then reverse sort by "newest" you can start with the earlier, easier ones and progress as they got more complex.


Quote from: wolfgoesmoo on March 09, 2022, 04:24:43 PM
Is the creeper/anticreeper cycling at the black gate an intended feature?

Yes, it's a bit of a special one. But personally finding absorbers more interesting way to reduce creeper near it.

Quote from: CharlieMartini on March 09, 2022, 05:43:16 PM
What does CSM and BSG stand for?

CSM = Cornucanis Style Mode, Cornucanis is one who originally created this game mode long time ago but it was called CWDig on their maps.

BSG = Black StarGate, this is only map using that abbreviation to my knowledge.

Quote from: knightace on March 10, 2022, 02:01:53 PM
For some severe situations you could consider using the Forge's ... I forgot the name, basically a 'gravity well' attack to suck over creeper & ac. But usually that isn't needed.
Singularity :)