Custom Map #2538: [PAC] Hol'd Up 1.0. By: numberguy

Started by AutoPost, November 06, 2021, 08:40:05 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2538: [PAC] Hol'd Up 1.0

Author: numberguy
Size: 202x324


Ill be honest, I could've probably done a bit more with the landscape on this one \ after spending at least a week on this terrain I kept hitting brain stumps and kinda just went "yeet" with it.. I hope it wasn't too bad of a map for those of you who's actually played this " PAC " of mine, my previous maps are way better in my opinion.

- My feelings we're mixed up on this map whether I should've published it or not, your opinions matter to me to if I should make it smaller base with no AI and just the Rebuild system or - whatnot.
- This AI on this SOME HOW goes into deficient energy either by the time you leave main creep spawn or just before hand, other than that it TRIES its hardy best to put up defenses against you and do its job, it just does it poorly.


Nice to finally see a new PAC again, thank you for the effort. I suspect you've fallen into the same trap as many other map makers in focusing too much on a starting tactic over the long game. Here you have to wipe out the microcrifts immediately with blobs or it becomes almost impossible to get out. Then throw skimmers at units near the spores to bust out. Problem is after that there is nothing to do but sit back and watch it all fall apart.

Couple of issues I saw...
1) The fixed emitters outside the starting box are too strong.. 200 every 2 seconds (or something like that). The moment that one near the rift lab activates it wipes out the rift lab before even clearing a quarter of the map.
2) The base infrastructure requires at least 4x the generated power to sustain itself. The small mining area is exposed near the starting break out area and collapses immediately. Solar panel fields don't provide nearly enough. Power storage simply delays this collapse.
3) The player doesn't steal and get more power from ERN. Capturing ERN is what drives player strategy in most PAC maps. Challenging PAC maps make the player fight tooth and nail for ERN to get enough consolidated power.


> 1) The fixed emitters outside the starting box are too strong.. 200 every 2 seconds (or something like that). The moment that one near the rift lab activates it wipes out the rift lab before even clearing a quarter of the map. <

>>A ) "Supposedly" if the base held off bits and kept the nullifiers running at minimum the emitter closest to their base would not run out, but due to sadness the AI decides to stay in MAJOR negative energy production instead of softly expanding turrets at a time, the emitter was there for the " END GAME ", since hills are a mess and so forth.

> 2) The base infrastructure requires at least 4x the generated power to sustain itself. The small mining area is exposed near the starting break out area and collapses immediately. Solar panel fields don't provide nearly enough. Power storage simply delays this collapse. <

>>B ) The AI infrastructure requires more cells to realize that it needs to not be in 10x negativity when its nullifying stuff, its a drag but I'll hopefully make it a better v1.1 session with more energy and stuff.

> 3) The player doesn't steal and get more power from ERN. Capturing ERN is what drives player strategy in most PAC maps. Challenging PAC maps make the player fight tooth and nail for ERN to get enough consolidated power. <

>>C ) When it comes down to the old fashion ERN capturing, I will admit I suck at making those. I added the "AI", and from past experience they will literally shove a ERN'd Sprayer into the creep, or similar when moving cannons and mortars around, if I use the original system I prefer using just rebuild w/o AI, hope you understand. / The "Forge" helps negate long games, even though it can be a bit OP at times if there are piles of creep stored right under it, I'm still messing around with how sluggish or how much it takes per Power given.

======== Side INGAME Notes ======
-- You do NOT have to kill off the MicroRifts, but strategically you can.  = IF you place down 3 or 4 Emitters and 1 Crimson at the beginning in the creep box, you will push out to the crimson ground lines a little after the 2nd emitter turns on.  I gradually place down emitters in a train line down to the walls and half ignored using launchers, I used skimmers too trust me.
-- "Sometimes" its nice to watch the game destroy its self with your flowing creep but in this case I realize I published a baloney mess that needs patching. / My head must been too tired to fully realize.
== I'll try making a "little easier" starting point, ( less mortar supposedly ), I'm gonna keep the No ERN'd Power for this map but i'll increase the cost of the Power in the Forge.

Thanks for playing the map and enjoying what you could out of it :<, my previous maps we're so much better in design and game-play senses, I keep hitting alot of stumps lately though.