Custom Map #2492: Assault operation. By: Vertu

Started by AutoPost, October 27, 2021, 03:57:52 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2492: Assault operation

Author: Vertu
Size: 256x256


This map is promising but it's kind of sad that the extra units got no descripion and one does not know when to use them - w/o them, it get's a bit of a slog. And I have problems to supply the units with ammo - no idea what would do the trick.
So I take a break until I know how to supply the new units ;)

Greetings from The Shire!
Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!


In the summoner there are a few options, the lower box you can select the unit and it'll give a bit of an idea of what it does, it just displays some text on screen at the summoner.  But...  Get the R-fighter, then do whatever else. 

As for power I think you mean power to the flying units right?  They all start with auto restock on, so you can set that to any place that is a height of 15 or more with a power connection at that height.  Likewise sitting on a power line at that same height works too, the auto restock just makes them go to that specific spot to reload.  The auto restock is just a marker I guess, set it up on some power connection at a height of 15 or more.  Oh, it's the last option in the first building tab. 

If you meant something else then ignore this.