Custom Map #2406: Red Forest. By: RocketAssistedPenguin

Started by AutoPost, October 05, 2021, 04:08:39 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2406: Red Forest

Author: RocketAssistedPenguin
Size: 192x120


So this is the first actual map I've made, so if anyone plays it and has any comments to make please do so!

I quite like Crimson Creeper, and also like how Mesh can create "walls" of a sort, so this map tries to combine them both to protect the structures that do the majority of the offense, as the Creeper doesn't really get to rise high enough to threaten much. In testing, at least.

The sole Air Sac spawner is there as a kind of...timer? There's no Redon on the map purposefully, so it would start to stress any existing defenses once it spawns as you can't get rid of it.

The map is big on TERP usage, as the only way to get the AC Breeder working is by draining the lakes into channels leading to the Breeder, and the mountainous terrain means there's often not much usable space anywhere near the front line, so it has to be flattened.

Otherwise there's not much else to it. I'm happy with how it is visually, but it isn't all that difficult. Maybe I could've changed some of the lower terrain around and fit in another Blob Nest that triggers later as a bit of scaling difficulty? Otherwise it doesn't take too long before everything but the Air Sac is active.