Custom Map #2398: Tower of Darkness. By: CS Z

Started by AutoPost, October 02, 2021, 12:31:41 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2398: Tower of Darkness

Author: CS Z
Size: 224x224


Tower of Darkness is among the last few campaign maps in Farsite Expedition.  The challenge from here on out is greater with more creeper to take out and timing at the start is more critical.

That said, my second playthrough resulted in a 7 minute time.

For comparison, my most recent posted time for the original version of this map in Farsite was 25 minutes and that's me at the top of my game!  Most scores in Farsite for this map are in the 35+ minute range.  So, yeah, there's a lot of cheese.  And a LOT of ERNs to be made!  Enjoy.

Side notes:  Made a minor adjustment to the map and reposted as the correct username.  Sorry about any confusion.  Please play this version of the map instead of the other one.

(Epic Win! is the username I have generally used to post scores.  To avoid confusion in the future, I'll just post scores and maps as CS Z so I'm not jumping between usernames and making mistakes.)

I just realized I forgot to label this with [RUSH].  Sigh.  Wow.  I apparently really RUSHed the release of the map.  Not going to fix the issue.  There are a lot of little nuances to these maps and I was bound to forget something somewhere along the line.