Custom Map #2352: Follow The Creeper Filled Road. By: CS Z

Started by AutoPost, September 18, 2021, 09:06:20 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2352: Follow The Creeper Filled Road

Author: CS Z
Size: 256x256


Play as Dorothy in this Creeper World 4 parody of The Wizard of Oz.  There are three custom units that you will need to use in order to win.

Note that this map is designed to be difficult and take a while.  As the mapmaker, it took me 55 minutes to complete the playthrough of this map.  You have the standard 4 minutes to get up and running with approximately 800K creeper that appears on the map in the first 2 minutes.  The line of Contaminated terrain serves several purposes:  It avoids stretching out too thin too early, forces some energy management, and forces the use of the custom units.  Everything is carefully timed to the second.  If you set everything up correctly, you'll barely get missile launchers up and powered at the very last second to take out any incoming spores.

Please take the time to enjoy the puns.  I spent a lot of time on them (especially the billboards).

Spoilers follow.

Spoiler #1:


Focus on towers and cannons first.  Also recommended is planning the Munchkin placements around the Redon node.  It is possible to fit 10 Munchkin units around the Redon node.  You'll regularly be starved for Redon at first.

Spoiler #2:


My starting build order (first 4 minutes) is towers, a line of cannons, Factory, 9 mortars + 4 more cannons + 4 snipers along the West edge, snipers along the North edge, missile launchers in a diamond formation in each segment, and three Dorothy units in the lower right.  Hang around 50 deficit the entire time.

Spoiler #3:


Dorothy can do more than make Resource terrain.  Maybe try switching Terrain Modes to do something about that creeper breeder?

Spoiler #4:


Don't forget that Miners can be switched to Bluite mode.

Spoiler #5:


I use the whole right area for Resource terrain.  About half is producing Energy while the other half produce Bluite.

Spoiler #6 (Stuck at the Contaminant area?  This one probably isn't actually a spoiler):


So I'm pretty sure there's a bug in the game itself.  Switching to "Decon (Arg)" terrain mode causes Dorothy to receive packets of Arg across the network as would be expected BUT the ammo count does not increase at all.  The solution is to, as per the A.D.A. message, switch to another terrain mode and then switch back to Decon again.  At that point, the unit functions normally.  I don't know why that works and spent hours scouring the code for the unit to see if I missed anything.

Spoiler #7:


The three new custom units can be ERNed.  The Wizard makes ERNs.  Requires Liftic though.

Spoiler #8:


Don't forget that you can ERN those Greenar Refineries too for a nice Liftic boost per crystal.

Spoiler #9:


Every 20 minutes, all enemies double in strength/count production.  This is basically Creeper++ but for all enemy types.  If you don't want to experience 40 air sacs at once or 200 spores, then move fast.

Spoiler #10:


Build a couple of airports.  You probably have the energy to run several.  They can be your leading edge so you don't have to wait as long for the AC pressure wave.

Spoiler #11:


Since Pylons aren't available, Microrifts will have to be used judiciously to get those packets to places more efficiently across the network.  The spiral is also close enough such that regular towers can span the distance.  As a result, the last half of the spiral can optimally leverage the existing network.  Isn't that nice?