Custom Map #2314: Clueless. By: NotAProGamer

Started by AutoPost, September 08, 2021, 08:11:01 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2314: Clueless

Author: NotAProGamer
Size: 196x320

Clueless Disgrace

The reason I started doing similar maps was, like you, I enjoy playing them and if there's someone else who likes them then all the better.
I'll now do something I normally never do, telling something personal:
My health is degrading due to neurological reasons. Weirdly enough playing your type of map somehow eases the consequences and aids me getting over a day. I don't ask why this is the case, I take that unexpected gift as is. You made me smile when I saw this version of an answer to my maps, for that you have my thanks :)

I would ask a favor:
I can't figure out how to fill the map with creeper resulting in a calm, flat creeper lake, when filling it always takes terrain height with it. Any advice you could give what I do wrong?
regards, Clueless


Quote from: Clueless Disgrace on September 08, 2021, 12:30:22 PM
The reason I started doing similar maps was, like you, I enjoy playing them and if there's someone else who likes them then all the better.
I'll now do something I normally never do, telling something personal:
My health is degrading due to neurological reasons. Weirdly enough playing your type of map somehow eases the consequences and aids me getting over a day. I don't ask why this is the case, I take that unexpected gift as is. You made me smile when I saw this version of an answer to my maps, for that you have my thanks :)

I would ask a favor:
I can't figure out how to fill the map with creeper resulting in a calm, flat creeper lake, when filling it always takes terrain height with it. Any advice you could give what I do wrong?
regards, Clueless

The simplest way to do this that is built into the editor is to calculate the difference in height and use the "Lvl" fill option.  As an example, if you want 13 height everywhere and the height is 11, you would set the Creeper Amt to 2 and then Lvl fill on an area with 11 height.  The result is a total of 13 height.  You could set aside a small area of your map where you have one square each of height 1, 2, 3, ...., 18, 19, 20.  That way you can run through the creeper height setting part of the exercise really quickly.  The result is a perfectly flat lake of creeper.

There is also a way to do it with 4RPL that can be used to create a pop-in/bloom effect.  I used a custom flood fill script for my cursor map called The Vacuum where the AC is not immediately visible at the start but pops in as soon as the mission starts.  The downside is that the flood fill script I wrote is very slow.  It works but it takes a couple of minutes to run to completion on a medium-sized map.  The result though is also perfectly flat with a pretty nifty starting effect.

One other thing:  There is the "mapmaking_support" channel over on the KnucleCracker Discord server where folks of all levels can ask questions like this.  You'll get a faster response too.