Custom Map #1782: Where Are We? (Chapter 5). By: NotAProGamer

Started by AutoPost, June 23, 2021, 10:10:19 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1782: Where Are We? (Chapter 5)

Author: NotAProGamer
Size: 420x100


Too long. I see what you were getting at, but it takes SO LONG for energy packets to make their way through the network before you get to the end of the first row that it just gets flat out boring.

Less islands, gaps in the crazonium, or maybe a limited number of mrifts (even one that you'd have to repeatedly dismantle and rebuild at the front would be a good balancing to the slog.


I thought this was a pretty fun map. It allowed me to use multiple strategies to complete. I lost almost all my nullifiers to an energy deficit once and that was exciting.