Custom Map #2200: Void is NOT friend.. By: TrickyCorp

Started by AutoPost, August 21, 2021, 05:23:21 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2200: Void is NOT friend.

Author: TrickyCorp
Size: 192x120


Cool concept but its a little confusing.
It just pools so much in the void that it almost isn't a problem on the land. Then it suddenly decides it does want to flow on land and it destroys most of my stuff and I am better off restarting.
Other than that weird quirk the level isn't hard.
Theirs just a lot of creeper to clear for reclaim.


I completed this map previously before it was removed for an inappropriate name, and when I tried clearing it again this time with the same strategy, it didn't work.
In the previous version, I had until the 10 minute mark before the void pooled creeper started overflowing and taking over the map. In this version, the overflow begins at the 7 minute mark. This loss of 3 minutes makes it impossible for me to beat.
Also, what's the point of suggesting building a sweeper if it takes too long to build it, and you would be overrun before it is even half built?


Quote from: InwardChaos on August 23, 2021, 10:08:17 AM
I completed this map previously before it was removed for an inappropriate name, and when I tried clearing it again this time with the same strategy, it didn't work.
In the previous version, I had until the 10 minute mark before the void pooled creeper started overflowing and taking over the map. In this version, the overflow begins at the 7 minute mark. This loss of 3 minutes makes it impossible for me to beat.
Also, what's the point of suggesting building a sweeper if it takes too long to build it, and you would be overrun before it is even half built?

The sweeper helps you cut down the creeper to size. Of course, just dealing with the creeper that piles up as soon as possible is better, but once you finish the sweeper it does help you out a lot.

In case you didn't understand: creeper slowly grows deeper over time naturally. Dealing damage to the creeper not only causes it to get less deep, but because of that it'll also cause there to be less creeper in the future. Oh, and even if the creeper overflows, you got several minutes until it actually floods the entire map.

The sweeper will only be built in time with ERN refinery (and maybe also ERN on mine efficiency) so you either go for striking the creep down at once, or an ever so slightly slower approach that has the sweeper.

The void has an relative height of negative 100, meaning it can hold up to 100 creeper until it starts flowing over to the nearby islands.

Hope all of this info helped.
When you want an explanation for something I use in my levels, or if you want to suggest something, feel free to tell me. Just don't ask/suggest things every other day please :P