Custom Map #2012: hell's fortress. By: zachary

Started by AutoPost, July 18, 2021, 09:41:32 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2012: hell's fortress

Author: zachary
Size: 320x200


If somebody start playing this map you must know one thing - You CANT Move units. You can move only with Airships, But its still possible to complete it  ;D. Hard on end, Hard, Low FPS, Cant move with Units, Laggy on low budget pc  ;) Thanks for a map to play at late night :D


yeah, but it really isnt hard, the creeper cap makes it so that a couple of mortars and missiles in the walls keeps you safe, and then you just need to advance with airships placing pylons and towers on the way..
managed to nullify enemies in 30 minutes

maybe next time less powerfull emitters but a slighly increased creeper cap?


True at on start the creeper going to fast and when you set up defense, the Creeper just stucked because game donst see don't hold too much Creeper and I did it like this :D