Custom Map #1942: Experiment 1 - LRON. By: MysteryMaster

Started by AutoPost, July 11, 2021, 11:19:38 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1942: Experiment 1 - LRON

Author: MysteryMaster
Size: 192x120


From the logs this seems like a super fun concept.
Shame about the actual implementation though. (As someone who took coding classes for a few years I understand how hard it is to do and I don't even have anything like ADHD so it must be a god damn nightmare for you.)


This is just a map with a Bertha as far as I can tell.  The totems don't appear to have any connection to the Bertha.

For newer programmers, making a mission in the console is a better starting point than trying to work out CPACKs and designing a unit from the ground up.  There's plenty that can be done on the custom mission front in 4RPL before delving into custom unit design.  And there are working 4RPL code samples that are regularly added to the 4RPL tools library that can assist with making custom missions: