Custom Map #1907: payback round 5.1.0. By: GuardianDragonlord

Started by AutoPost, July 09, 2021, 01:12:38 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1907: payback round 5.1.0

Author: GuardianDragonlord
Size: 320x200


No way to take down airships... any ideas?

EDIT: now i can. once all the bomber are gone, the air-missiles aim for the airships



 A few bugs I noticed with this map:
Creeper Missile Launchers consume energy, but can still fire even while the energy is in a deficit. This makes spamming missile launchers a valid strategy for taking down the Human's air force.
Some creeper structures are built on top of Crimson Crystals, and the moment the crystal grows, the structure on top of it gets destroyed. This is most easily noticeable with the emitters in the central ring, where once the nullifiers blocking them are removed, they instantly activate the crystals with their creep generation, and get removed.

As for the map itself, its nice to see some anti-Creeper Lord measures put into place, with the missile launchers spread around the map, and the random boxes of Liftic allowing for resupply if the Factory is removed from the network. The map still boils down to getting some Creeper Lords over to the rift lab, using sacrifical Lords to tank and stun some launchers in the way, and then Eggmatism while stun locking the rift lab and the Factory to starve the network.
Was still a fun map to play, and the lag was at least bearable.