Custom Map #1652: FPS: AI Assistance. By: Kaiden

Started by AutoPost, May 26, 2021, 12:15:19 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1652: FPS: AI Assistance

Author: Kaiden
Size: 300x200


Huge improvement. I think with the AI assistance, you can probably bump the difficulty a bit more now without it becoming an ungodly slog. More fortified creeper positions (like the forts from the previous map), maybe some faster spawn rates on the moving enemies. Still a little salty that the autodefence upgrade is so expensive, considering it's a must have, but that's much less of an issue in this map with the AI helping out.

Also, possible unit idea: Fast moving wanderer variant, takes maybe one or two hits to kill, but if you don't kill it, it explodes, dropping a large amount of creeper.


Quote from: Malignantmind on May 26, 2021, 01:28:13 PM
Also, possible unit idea: Fast moving wanderer variant, takes maybe one or two hits to kill, but if you don't kill it, it explodes, dropping a large amount of creeper.

I was thinking about making a Speeder unit that moves at 0.7 cells per second, almost as fast as the player, and is very fragile, though I havent gotten around to making it yet.


Much better! Now you can toughen it up. In this iteration, it becomes almost too easy after about 10 minutes. Consider adding a few emitters, and maybe fewer AC breeders. Very nice effort. Thank you.


Really liked to fight with the ai. I feelt like I never need to stop and wait for ac breeder or the free upgrade point, wich made the map enjoyable. I was not even mad that the tanker returend, for with the ai help the push did not stop when I where sniping them.
The only small problem for me where that the ai build too many shields and draind all the arg.


The Ai assistance is definitely what this needed.
At no point do you ever need to really stop and wait for your auto defence and sniper to clear everything up before getting back to work.
You have the freedom to either help clear out large swaths of creeper to allow your units to move forward and hold or you can go forward solo and try to clear out important point like breeder and miners.
The lower restrictions on what you can and can't do at different points is great.


Now we're cooking with napalm! THIS is what we're talking about!

The AI builder adds so much chaos, friendly units all over the place, explosions and gunshots all over, enemies coming at you, but you're not overwhelmed! THIS is why experimenting with new mechanics is good!

Some tweaking with the difficulty might be needed; I found this surprisingly easy.

Makes me wonder, what kind of battle would it be, if the enemy side had the same units as the friendly AI has? Turrets and mortars that can be moved around, y'know? That could be an interesting experiment... Like, take this map, but either add fortified positions, or enemy turrets that can be built/moved in a similar fashion to what the friendly AI has?


Now we're cooking. Really like where this is going. A bit on the easy side, but I would love to see AI backup on your last map.


Much better pacing. Decent amount of powerups. AI made did itself proud. Excellent map. Thanks for making it :)


I enjoyed this.  Fun map.

A night and day difference over the last two maps.  There's always something to do with no right or wrong way to play.  You can wander off on your own and don't have to babysit the AI (it'll do its thing) or you can hang out with the AI and fight with it.  The new units are not obnoxious to deal with as a result.  Losing ground is occasionally possible but isn't frustrating when it happens since recovering from the loss is not difficult and the AI is there to assist.

Anyway, this is a massive improvement and I've got no complaints.


Echoing what others said, this helps quite a bit. While the enemy units are still rather same-y, they work a lot better when they're not removing player choice.

My biggest complaint here was how every single moving enemy spawner fires at the start of the map. Two enemies are on the player in under five seconds. Not only is there no time to get the lay of the land, it practically necessitates starting with one of the sniper upgrades. There's never such a huge swarm again - the different spawn intervals result in a steady trickle of enemies, it's just the very start where this happens.

Vanilla spawners have an initial spawn delay to prevent this sort of dogpiling at the start of the map. Adding such a feature to your spawners would give you multiple options - you could set up the timings for a steady release of enemies, or you could intentionally keep them in sync, spawning large waves that pose a greater danger while giving the player time to set up in order to face that danger.


Quote from: Niflthaena on May 26, 2021, 07:45:54 PM
Echoing what others said, this helps quite a bit. While the enemy units are still rather same-y, they work a lot better when they're not removing player choice.

My biggest complaint here was how every single moving enemy spawner fires at the start of the map. Two enemies are on the player in under five seconds. Not only is there no time to get the lay of the land, it practically necessitates starting with one of the sniper upgrades. There's never such a huge swarm again - the different spawn intervals result in a steady trickle of enemies, it's just the very start where this happens.

Vanilla spawners have an initial spawn delay to prevent this sort of dogpiling at the start of the map. Adding such a feature to your spawners would give you multiple options - you could set up the timings for a steady release of enemies, or you could intentionally keep them in sync, spawning large waves that pose a greater danger while giving the player time to set up in order to face that danger.
I tried to fix that by advancing the beginning of the map one frame before finalizing it, it didn't work though. I have to change the scripts so they don't all spawn at once at the start


This one's great for all the reasons already mentioned.  I liked it a lot.  Pretty easy once energy generation starts boosting your weapon though.


Quote from: GadgetBoy on May 26, 2021, 05:59:29 PM
Now we're cooking. Really like where this is going. A bit on the easy side, but I would love to see AI backup on your last map.

I second this. The last map was incredibly frustrating. But I think if you just add the AI in, it'd make a world of difference.

EDIT: Okay yeah the previous map is a lot more fun with the AI. I went into edit mode and smashed the script into it, as well as slightly expanded the starting area to make room for the rift lab and factory, and slapped down a couple bluite nodes around the map. I...may have messed up something and broken the upgrades... So I was only able to get the autosprayer, auto defense, and cannon upgrade. Which made things a little tricky. The last area was a real tough fight without the decrimsonator. But yeah I think if that map is redone with the AI (by someone who knows what they're doing, cause I sure don't), it'd be very popular.


Seriously, am I the only one too dumb to play this map? I'm dying within the first minute as I get SPAMMED with enemies and can't shoot them as fast as they reappear!?

/edit: well, if you do understand that you start off with some upgrade points and that there is an auto-sniper... it's actually both playable and enjoyable. You might want to give dumb people like me a hint in the ADA description.