Custom Map #1611: CComplex. By: ShallowAbove

Started by AutoPost, May 21, 2021, 06:03:53 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1611: CComplex

Author: ShallowAbove
Size: 512x121


holy cow this was a long map, loved it...
almost finished the las part before the middle...


Yeah, this is fun and tough. I've made two attempts at that back row of flip, and failed both times ... hopefully 3rd time will be the charm. Loading up on more orbitals And getting a good nights sleep before I try again.  I think this is the longest I have played a CW4 map and still be enjoying it. :)


Personal Records for this map;
- Most saves I've ever used
- Most tries, quits and coming back.
- Most Orbitals.
- At two hours, it might be my longest recorded time to completion? ( though much of that time was spent holding that middle ground and racking up orbitals) but with multiple tries, actual human time playing vs. score,  it is definitely the longest time I've invested in a CW4 map.

Not sure I can put my finger on what it is about it that made me keep going even though it was clearly frustrating at times. I think it was always being able to see that it was doable,. but it remained fun to challenge the whole way through. If we had awards for maps, I'd nominate this one! You do get these posts and my THUMBS UP!


Took me 4 hours, much of that AKFing to build up orbitals.  I admit I went to dinner at one point and forgot to hit pause.  But hey, 100 orbitals was nice.

The funny thing is I was stuck trying to expand into that last line of breeder, I worked my way up and had everything I had trying to keep the creeper from pushing me back but had to spam Dampers to keep it at bay.  Eventually I got a kind of steady state and thats when I went to dinner, to come back and find the AC had managed to take over a good half of that last line. No idea how, but not going to complain. :)

Fun map.