Custom Map #1374: Omni Miners. By: Auri

Started by AutoPost, April 19, 2021, 01:40:03 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1374: Omni Miners

Author: Auri
Size: 192x120


Love the Omni miners! Hope to see them used in more maps


Great new unit! This is how miners should have been! :)

The auto feature worked better than I expected!

There's a little bit of a delay responding to sudden drops of a given resource,  but without question, IMHO once you have a bunch placed, setting to Auto is the way to go. If at times you notice you are low on a resource like bluite because you just tasked a flight of AC bombers, you can select a pile of Omni Miners with a double click, and select bluite from the drop down, even if it's set to Atuo they will all switch over to Bluite and stay on it until your stockpile is back up. Very cool units!


Yeah, when I added that, I was like, I could put in a bunch of effort make it reasonably foolproof, but decided to go with a system like that.  It does a reasonable job and helps out players by preventing excessive waste, but experienced players can get more out of manually specifying for specific demands.   Originally there was a bit more tweaking involved because the miners were 3x3 so there were a lot more of them, but the quantity of them was causing a graphics related slowdown by the end of the map for me, so I opted to scale them to 5x5 and rebalance them. 
I'm known as Auri in cw4.


Interesting unit.  They don't work quite like miners though in that you can't tell how much resource they are actually sitting on whereas miners show approximate bits of red on the zones under them without coverage.  Makes it more difficult to place this unit accurately without that indicator.

I'm pretty sure Redon and Greenar are supposed to be scarce resources.  If you can just make ERNs with enough Redon and then boost Omniminer Redon generation rates with an ERN, then you can probably cheese most maps.  4 ERNs on a map is generally plenty unless something unusual is going on that demands more (e.g. a really large creeper cap of 1M or more).  Extra ERNs can boost the ERN portal a little more but I'd mostly start cheesing with a bunch of ERN'ed mortars.


Yes, now that you mention it, ERNs in them are probably overpowered.  I probably should have lowered the ERN multiplier from x5 to x3 when they changed from a 3x3 unit to a 5x5 unit. 

Map makers can adjust the base rates so they aren't overpowered for what the map has, but I know people have very different ideas about how valuable the resources are compared to each other. 
I'm known as Auri in cw4.


I didn't even think to try ERN,. I want a huge map with these, and ERN makers,. and let us churn our resource3s and ERN needed to defeat the big bad at the end! :)


love the units please make harder maps!!