Custom Map #1430: Airship Assault. By: MysteryMaster

Started by AutoPost, April 28, 2021, 01:30:15 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1430: Airship Assault

Author: MysteryMaster
Size: 320x200


A good showcase of how powerful the Airship is, even with just one of them.
I ended up clearing out the entire map the old fashioned way, and by "old fashioned way" I mean in the style of CW1. I used cannons, lots of cannons, to "nullify" the emitters, and the actual nullifiers to deactivate the Blob Nests, Spore Launchers, and the Skimmer Nest that produced Skimmers. The Blorb-spawning nest auto-deactivated once the Mesh under it died.