Custom Map #8762: All Yellow. By: TrickyCorp Colours

Started by AutoPost, August 13, 2020, 07:16:31 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8762: All Yellow

Author: TrickyCorp Colours
Size: 180x40

After trying to get information from an yellow microchip, the systems go crazy and you warp the the yellow dimension, where everything is yellow, and a structure will force you to terp downwards to defeat it...


Interesting gimmick. Tricky beginning, due to the sheer strength of everything coming at you and the amount of energy you have (or don't have) to deal with it, but once I got situated and got my forge up, used a singularity to grab the Terp tech, everything after that was just a slow, steady, turtly slog for me as I built up energy and weapons and Terps to crawl forward.  Other people did this a lot quicker, but for me, I was kinda overwhelmed after the beginning and didn't want to take risks. Plus it's hard to find the space to build new things sometimes  :P
Currently watching: ARIA, Dog Days, and other unlikely things.
And some likely things, too!