Custom Map #8714: 43x43. By: TrickyCorp Tiny Levels

Started by AutoPost, August 01, 2020, 12:22:04 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8714: 43x43

Author: TrickyCorp Tiny Levels
Size: 43x43

It is raining... in-game! Watch out as creeper drops may destroy buildings that are not protected by AC! Also, there is a pre-built miner outpost to help you. Good luck and Have fun!

Johnny Haywire

I'm sad that people are rating themselves so low. For those who are getting frustrated with this (and other difficult maps), please just be patient. The skills you learn from playing this game help you to think mathematically, and sometimes we want to jump into theoretical math before we have a firm grasp on basic Algebra. This isn't an easy map, but it's definitely not the most difficult map out there.

Lesson 1 - At the start, power is more important than firepower. I know it's tempting to put a weapon on that PZ to the north, but building a reactor there will give you a huge boost... maybe even enough to build a bertha!

Lesson 2 - Berthas lay the hurt down on creeper like a free ride in space for a Flat-earther. Teach the creeper a quick, easy lesson about why it needs to calm down.

Lesson 3 - See how your power meter is in the green? Build more power, then more weapons. And then just do more of that. See? It's easier than you thought, isn't it?  ;)

This is a cool map that reminded me of some of the basics of power management that are easy to forget. Thanks for the challenge!  ;D
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