Custom Map #8761: Quarantine. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, August 12, 2020, 09:49:29 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8761: Quarantine

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 256x256

I expect you to find like 20 way I never intented to be possible.

Johnny Haywire

Martin, my good sir... this is a very smartly designed map. Right before I landed the final approach, I wasn't sure how to proceed. Through process of elimination I figured out what I needed to do, and it helped to
change the "opaque creeper" setting so I could clearly see the land
and once I did that, the rest was pretty straightforward.

You've made it where you have to do a lot of "tricky" things... I would imagine newer players are struggling with this map. (If you're reading this, and that accurately describes your situation with the map, feel free to post specific questions in the forums and someone will usually help.)

I actually liked having to move my primary attack base and rebuild it a number of times. I know that sounds like it might be sarcastic, but I assure you it's genuine. Very do-able map that requires some thinking.

Sorry for all the "1" ratings... I feel like it should be at least an 8 but I'll give it a 10 because if no one else is being mathematically accurate, why should I try to be?  :P I'll even throw in 3 grins, which is the highest rating on the Haywirometer

Thanks a bunch for the map, dude! Challenging and fun from start to finish!  ;D ;D ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Martin Gronsdal

Wow. What can I say. Thank you for playing and glad you enjoyed it.

One question: how many times did you build a base? Did you move everything that could be moved? Where was CN at the very end?

That one question is three questions.

Johnny Haywire

Heh heh, I built 3 bases total, and moved back to the middle base once. I didn't move everything because I often just build it for the sake of simplicity... if I have to be more efficient then I'll move it. My CN was on the top at the end... I didn't see any other way.

I suppose you could abandon the bottom base and have two functional CN's, but I just kept it there for the sake of the forge and used one of the guppies to provide power to the middle base, which had multiple guppies (since they traveled farther, 1 guppy was able to power maybe 3-4 guppies on its own.

I like that there are multiple possible solutions. I typically go with whatever requires the least pausing (or none at all). This wasn't an easy map at all, but I don't think I had to pause more than a couple times near the beginning. I really like maps like that  ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?