Custom Map #1555: Alliegiance: allied. By: Hero Astra [HMG Founder&CEO]

Started by AutoPost, August 06, 2020, 10:53:14 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1555: Alliegiance: allied

Author: Hero Astra [HMG Founder&CEO]
Size: 320x320

after rift-jumping to the next sector, the ticon crew and Skylar find that the particulate had taken a more powerfull form. this is the third in the Alliegiance series [feedback? contact me on Discord: HERO-MG-killer(aka Hero Astra)#3406 ] cutos to "Firebird" getting a wopping 38 and a half HOURS on the first map, JESUS! nothing special, but manage your units carefully... pardon spelling errors, i was tired and to lazy to fix them and replay the entire mission again.