Custom Map #8428: Fun arena. By: HeyHeyHey

Started by AutoPost, May 22, 2020, 12:00:29 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8428: Fun arena

Author: HeyHeyHey
Size: 110x90

I did NOT make the scripts, script maker is: - (hyphen) Love - (hyphen's) maps. but he/she doesn't make them anymore so i tried to make one myself.


This sort-of autoplays once you have taken the first area: Upgrade until you create more creeper than the next area does, wait until your creeper level exceeds that of the next level, open the gates.
The issue is that the scripts make emitters always emit the same amount. E.g. a strength-10 script emitter will always emit 10 creeper

In the standard game, an emitter will emit just enough that the cell below the emitter has 10.
I.e. emitters that are already saturated (i.e. creep level 10 will cause emitters with strength 10 or less to not emit anything).
This means that you can't just wait until your backyard AC emitters have created those 5000 creep you need to overwhelm the frontline, you have to make sure that the frontline AC emitters are strong enough. This turns the game from a merely "wait until your accounts grows" style into a "I need to keep the frontline strong" style, making it much more dynamic.


Good job using the scripts.  I assume it was pretty easy because it was your first try.  I do love this style of map and I hope you make more.


great idea, will be nice once you get it to work.

The intro text talks about spores... what spores?

The emitter mentions upgrade, auto-upgrade.. but seem to be stuck in permanent upgrade mode?

The altered rules regarding emitter creep production are not at all clear.
(but definitely altered, as toolforger mentions above)