Custom Map #1518: Replicators. By: BEric2000

Started by AutoPost, April 20, 2020, 06:19:06 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1518: Replicators

Author: BEric2000
Size: 480x270

A play on mirrored ships...the stronger your fleet, the stronger the enemy gets. To each their own, but I enjoy maps where even after I've built up my fleet, I can still lose. I enjoy a challenge.


Wait, no exchange in text before going straight to stomping the player?  Here, let me help you out...

[Transmission]  Hello, are you there?
[Transmission] What?
You're barely coming through...
I think I'm in the new system, but something is not quite right here...
We've intercepted some messages saying that there may be a new anti-particulate de-assimilation retro-guidance terp/anti-terp convex flux decapacitor, but it may be hard to get to. It's supposed to be pretty well protected by emitter mine flippers.
Interesting!  That would be a great technology for our side. But I thought Imogen said she's been through this system, and she didn't detect any ...
Any what...are you ok?
Hello? Mayday!
[Transmission] Trenlor, I've lost Fensworth! We'll have to go through this system one way or another, so strap yourself in...

Hhahaa. Nah, just go on in and get stomped.
