Custom Map #8356: Ramp Emitters and Spore Creep. By: Running Rat

Started by AutoPost, April 26, 2020, 11:35:32 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8356: Ramp Emitters and Spore Creep

Author: Running Rat
Size: 100x100

The creeper on this map will launch spores at you even though it doesn’t have any spore towers! The emitters will also get stronger over time. Overcome both of these challenges and destroy all enemy structures to win.


Spore from creep:
*Great* idea.
But.. please make it so the creep in the spore is actually extracted from the creep bed. Should also have this affect the strength of the spore!
i.e. the spontaneous spore should just be a chunk of the Creep lake breaking free and flying off, *not* a spore automagically appearing.
The way that spore can appear from basically *anywhere* is great for gameplay!
((also very good for manufacturers of pepto-bismol and similar anti-ulcer medications. sheesh, my nerves!))

Growing Emitters:
Yikes, these are stronger than one thinks, at the scaling you are currently using. After just 5 minutes, they are pushing 150 strength.


Well shucks!
Interesting comments Mr. Fox.
I was going to play this one now but after reading all that, I better wait until beer O'clock.

[EDIT} That was fun. Thanks.