Issue with Mac version-CW3

Started by environerd, November 05, 2018, 01:42:48 AM

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Thanks, that got the game started.
It's to late to play a game right now but the graphics are back. Seems to work both with my local install and from Steam.

There might be some problem with synching mouse with Graphics, I missed when clicking a button, will investigate later.

The path was /Users/<myUsername>/.config/creeperworld3
Notice the "s" in "Users"
Nice to know about the .config directory in my home-directory.

I thought I had lost my progress a short while, since the intro started playing, but once the game started at least the Campaign was still done, didn't check the others.

Thanks for your help :-)



Do you still have the old config file for creeperworld3?  If so, I'd like to see it to see what was in it that might have been causing the issue.


I have attached the files. The "newGameSettings.xml is the file that was generated when the game started correctly. There was no InputManager.xml created.


Looks like the original file had this:

So for whatever reason the game was starting up with a window of zero size (width).  Good to know... I'll make sure to test and guard against this for CW4 on the mac.


One more thing for next version.
There is a menu option "Window" -> "Show tab bar" that displays a grey bar at the top of the window.
In fullscreen mode that menu option causes trouble with the graphics.
It hides the top part of the screen, but the places that react to the mouse is moved down a bit.
Unchecking that menu option moves everything up, causing the hidden part to stay hidden and keeping the mismatched mouse reactions.
Restarting the game resolves the problem if the option is unchecked when quitting.


Does CW3 have different settings for Steam and local install?
When starting the game from Steam it works correctly but the local install still have broken graphics as described above. It seems like the fixed graphics was from me starting the game from Steam instead of the local install. I'm not going to risk trying that option from the Steam client.