Custom Map #7265: StoveTop. By: stewbasic

Started by AutoPost, April 07, 2019, 07:06:49 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #7265: StoveTop

Author: stewbasic
Size: 244x183

Wipe the stove top clean but don't get burned! The control knobs turn with exposure to creeper. Reset them by flooding with AC.


i can't find a spot to set up  the base everywhere gets to much creep too fast


A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Welcome back Stewbasic, this map must have been stewing on the back burner for a while! (pun overload!)

Wish I knew how you got your time. I personally found it, based on my choices, very slow and constrained, especially with the unit limits.

The idea is great and some CRPL maps are always a nice treat, but this one was, for me, just very, very slow. I also didn't get the dials turned back as much as I might have hoped for, given how scares Anti-Creeper is at the beginning.


Here are a couple of tips if you want them.

For a starting position:

If you let the map run for a minute you can see which parts stay clear the longest. Moreover if any enemy structure is still exposed at 00:40, it's possible to rush a nullifier. I find this helpful on a lot of maps.

For resetting the knobs:

An effective way to flood AC is to destroy a sprayer as it passes overhead.


Great map, deserving of a rating. 10/10 from me.


That map is really great - I love it!
The way I started was a bit ... unconcentrated, I've started in three positions, top right, bottom right and top left. Alarmingly I lost both right bases before I came to any success and only top left survived. Challenge accepted - With the help of the forge I managed to take out the 200 flame and went on to the 400 flame... It was slow but satisfying, I completely ignored the knobs...

Greetings from The Shire!
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