Custom Map #1525: Angel Home. By: HolyWingAngel

Started by AutoPost, May 14, 2020, 06:02:33 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1525: Angel Home

Author: HolyWingAngel
Size: 480x270

Defend your home.


tl;dr: This map has quite some flaws, but I still kinda liked it.

This map feels a bit like playing a game where everyone else but you is cheating.

Almost everything is cranked up to eleven, yet all you get is the standard fleet.
Even though the doppels (and there are a lot of them) are regenerating almost
as fast as you can shoot them you are never in any danger, because the AI fleet
and friendly emitters are doped as well.

The biggest threat is quitting because of lag, probably due to particles constantly generating plasma,
followed by quitting because of boredom. There are a lot of emitters etc. to lathe, but all you get is your
HQ and two standard lathes, whereas almost every enemy installation has lathes enabled.

Gameplay is simple. Build fleet, start north/south, then circle (counter)clockwise and eradicate all enemy forces.

Despite all of that, I still kinda liked it.

Probably because I like a good slog every now and then, but mostly because of "Edit Struc" with a decent growth rate.
Almost feels like playing as creeper - in space :)