Custom Map #5786: Creeper islands and creeper and creeper. By: piggood

Started by AutoPost, May 06, 2018, 09:31:29 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #5786: Creeper islands and creeper and creeper

Author: piggood
Size: 256x200

oh my gooood I loved my CRPLs So I made more (but everything is almost same script) I made some islands and some base the CRPL cores can be destroyed by beams but just need 1 super beam well good luck to rush to inhibitor HAVE FUN!!!! #CRPL #INHIBITOR #SORRYFORBADENGLISH #BASEISBUILDING


And as always, I'm sorry for my english.


During the passage, I ran into a problem - the crpl core can destroy power zone. I do not know if it's part of a general plan, perhaps the code can be adjusted as follows

if(GetUnitType(<-unitUID) neq("POWERZONE"))
Damage(<-unitUID <-DAMAGE_AMT)
And as always, I'm sorry for my english.